Assassins - Ultimate CD Games Collection 2
Assassins 2 - Ultimate Games No. 2 (1995)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso
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Text File
1,393 lines
Programming :
Colin Adams Ross Milward
Text/Plot/Additional Programming :
Neil Foster
Graphic Artist :
Bruce Abel
Original Score :
Michelle Law
This is a freely distributable demo version of RETURN OF
THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE. This demo version does
not allow the game to be saved to disk and ommits one of
the graphics disks.
A fully functional version of the program (coming on 3
disks) can be acquired by sending a contribution to the
address below. Suggested donation is $25 US.
Donations will be accepted in any currency. Overseas users,
please do not send personal or bank cheques.
Easiest form of payment from overseas is cash funds or American
Express Travellers Cheques or alternately disks are an acceptable
form of payment.
Permission is hereby granted to distribute this program on the
condition that no profit is gained gained from its distribution.
All document files must accompany it and remain unchanged. If the
It may not be distributed on 'copyright' non distributable PD
disks. It may be distributed on a BBS as long as that BBS does
not have charges for downloading of files.
The demo version of Rolta may be included on magazine coverdisks
as long as we are sent a copy of the distribution.
Please send contributions to :
P.O. Box 1201,
Aitkenvale, 4814,
Queensland, Australia.
!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You *must* copy the file diskfont.library from your
workbench disk into the libs directory on the first
disk of the Rolta distribution. Commodore do not
allow this file to be freely distributed and it is
needed for this program to operate.
If you have version 2.0+ of the Amiga operating system
you should also copy asl.library into the libs directory
to enable the use of the Amiga standard file requester.
If you install Rolta onto a hard drive, these problems should
not occur.
Known Problems :-
There are some known problems with this demo distribution
which will be fixed in the registered version :-
1) The 'clear screen' menu item is currently used to save the
game options to disk (in the file .options in the savedgames
directory). The ability to save options to disk is a late
addition and a new graphic for this option is not complete.
2) There is a minor bug in the scroll buffer which
can cause some text to be overwritten on screen. It is non-fatal,
hard to achieve and will be fixed in the registered version.
C o n t e n t s
A symbol of our freedom of speech. An outlet for blossoming literary
talent. A public forum for the issues which concern us all. The
fundamental bastion of a democratic Western society.
After working for a day and a half at the Daily Scumbag, you realize how
foolish the above comments seem. From first impressions, it appears that
absolutely no one at the Scumbag gives a feathered duck about literary
talent or the requirements of democracy. All they care about is selling
Oh, and consuming alcohol ... but, as you have quickly picked up,
selling papers and consuming alcohol go hand in hand. After all, after a
few double vodkas doused liberally with whatever else can be found in the
bar, a story about a man being attacked by a large dog can turn into a
story about werewolves, and a story about a plane crash at night can be
transformed into a science fiction saga by adding artistic touches like
the sighting of strange lights in the sky before the accident. Even if
the werewolf analogy or the strange light phenomenon are denied by the
authorities, what sells papers better than stories of a cover-up?
Well, pictures of beautiful, busty women, for one thing... and this is
perhaps why the staff at the Scumbag have been less obsessed with the
supernatural of late and more interested in the female form. To coincide
with this interest, the Scumbag has brought forward by a few months its
Scumbabe of the Year competition. The competition, a legend in the
district, involves the publication of a full-page photograph of the woman
whom the special judging panel decide is the best representative of the
ideals of the Scumbag's readers. Therefore, as a rule, most winners of
the competition have been blonde, smiling, modestly clad in damp, white,
skin-tight tops and named either Sammi or Debbie. For weeks now, aspiring
Scumbabes have been sending photos of themselves to the newspaper in the
hope that they will become the Chosen One and grace page eleven of next
Monday's edition of the Daily Scumbag. The Scumbabe edition is always the
year's best seller so therefore, the Scumbag's top journalists have all
been assigned to the task of selecting whom the lucky winner will be.
This has left the normal reporting force depleted... and this is where you
come in.
You have been employed as a trainee journalist. Maybe one day you too
will be senior enough to slobber over five inch color photos with your
three inch tongue, but until then, you must begin at the bottom. The very
Day one is a difficult experience. Seeking to make a good impression,
you stroll into the Scumbag offices fifteen minutes before you are due to
start work. Unfortunately, this enthusiasm is greeted by the drunken
jeers of the Scumbabe judging panel. After a few slurred insults about
your appearance, your age and your inability to tell the time, you are
fobbed off to the only sober journalist in the building. You try to
forget this bad start and concentrate instead on the great impending
moment in your life - your first assignment. You feel quite nervous but
the journalist, whose name is Estelle, tells you not to be. After all,
she remarks, the two of you are only off to cover the opening of the new
Mushroom and Toadstool Museum. Subconsciously, you groan.
The three hours to follow are some of the most boring of your life. You
and Estelle drive to a small wooden building on the outskirts of town.
There you are greeted by an earnest, yet annoyingly fawning, old woman who
drags the two of you into a tour of The Amazing World of the Fungus. The
minute you enter the interior of the building, you notice how very dark it
is, and how a soily, rotting stench pervades the air. You wish you were
somewhere else. The woman does not notice. Instead, she escorts you and
Estelle from room to room, lecturing on each of the individual mushrooms,
even mentioning her pet nicknames for each, all the while continuously
dropping names which are obviously meant to be significant in the fungus
world but which are totally unrecognizable to the uninformed. Estelle is
nice to the woman (well, actually, she subtly hints to her that she is a
boring old cow, but it seems very nice compared to what you would have
liked to have done) and manages to curtail the tour before you die from an
overexcess of yawning. The two of you are out of the dark museum by
Once outside, Estelle suggests that it should be you who writes up the
story on the museum. You gaze despairingly at the notes you took on your
brand new notepad. They make little sense both because you couldn't and
wouldn't understand the woman's rambling speeches, and because it was so
dark inside the building that you couldn't see what and where you were
writing anyway. Despite your stifled complaints about the quality of your
notes, Estelle is firm. She states she has more important stories to do.
She tells you to spend the afternoon in the Scumbag offices typing up the
article on a word processor. Being the newcomer, you reluctantly comply
with her wishes.
Back at the offices, you slave all afternoon at the terminal, attempting
to encapsulate the morning's happenings in an insightful and topical way.
All afternoon, you fail. In the end, with the time of Estelle's return
fast approaching, you type the first piece of inane rubbish which comes
into your head. Just as you finish, Estelle enters.
"How'd it go?" she asks, glancing over your shoulder.
You mumble something to the effect that it didn't go that well. You
hear her laugh. "It took you all afternoon to write this? `OLD LADY
You explain to Estelle that, after all, toadstools are potentially
"Oh, leave it out. I've got to show the Ed this." Estelle gets a
printout and takes it over to the Scumbabe judging panel. Seconds later,
you hear loud bursts of laughter. The room echoes with wild hoots for
nearly a minute, before Estelle returns with a smile on her face. "He
loved it. It's going on page seven."
You sigh uneasily. Your education in Scumbag journalism is swiftly
making you cynical. Nevertheless, you set off home that night with a
smile on your face. You are published.
You don't get into bed until midnight, however. Before you can even
walk halfway home after work (maybe one day, you'll be rich enough to own
a car), Estelle pulls up beside you in her Honda Speeder and tells you to
get in.
"Want to see a bit of blood?" she asks.
You tell Estelle that a little blood doesn't bother you.
Estelle remarks that there might be more than just a little she's off to
report on a fatal traffic accident. "I didn't plan on bringing you," she
states, "but seeing I've run into you on the way, there's no harm in you
You accept the ride - after all, you might get a lift home afterwards.
When the two of you arrive at the scene of the accident, you immediately
gather that someone has been hit by a truck. A large pool of blood lies
on a footpath next to a piece of park. The pool is elongated, as if the
bloodied victim had been pushed along for several meters by the truck's
The police are talking to the driver. He looks very stunned. At the
same time, you can perceive that he is also very drunk. The police are
clearly treating the incident as a drink-drive killing. They say as much
when they instruct the driver, a bigman, to accompany them to the police
station. On hearing this, he starts to babble madly. "It wasn't me
fault. I saw this thing appear in front of me. A big green slug. That's
what it was. A big green slug. I had to swerve to miss the bugger. You
gotta believe me, officer. There was this big green slug that came out of
nowhere. Out of thin air..." The policemen look at each other and smile.
They might have kicked the truck driver in the head a few times to calm
him down but for the fact that you, Estelle and an assembly of thirty
spectators were in attendance. Therefore, the driver is taken into
custody calmly, the policemen allowing him to dribble insanely.
Meanwhile, Estelle is able to wean a sketchy background to the accident.
The victim, from all reports, was a hitchhiker who had just arrived in
town that afternoon. He had been seen that evening at the local pub and
had left just before sunset. Half an hour or so later, as he stood on a
footpath next to the park, the truck driven by the man in police custody
veered off the road and careered into the hitchhiker, killing him on
impact. The police (and most of the spectators present) believe the
reason for the truck's swerving was the extraordinarily high blood alcohol
content present in the driver. The "big green slug" explanation has been
generally brushed aside as drunken rambling. Nevertheless, as a Scumbag
journalist (even if only on one's first day) you know full well which
explanation will please the editor most. You and Estelle smile at each
other. The two of you quickly drive off to the Scumbag offices.
The front page headline the next day reads as follows: "HITCHHIKER
Your second day at the Scumbag begins very much like the afternoon of
the day before. All morning you sit at a word processor, this time typing
up irrelevant articles based on reports coming in from various syndicated
sources, tampering with them in such a way as to make them more
story your best effort for the morning.
As for Estelle, she has been nowhere in sight. In a way, you crave her
presence. Without her, you are entirely alone in a building reeking with
drunken senior reporters, forced to fetch alcohol at their every command
and even at times forced to answer their phones when they become too drunk
to reach for them. You are extremely grateful when Estelle walks through
the door at three o'clock. You immediately ask her where she has been.
"Shopping," she remarks off hand, walking towards her desk.
You look disappointedly at her.
"You are a bit of an idealist, aren't you?" Estelle states. "Hey, look
up. We might be able to crack something big this afternoon. Ready for an
Already heartily sick and tired of the Scumbag offices for one day, you
immediately agree.
An hour later, you wish you hadn't. You and Estelle are standing on a
river bank before another old lady and this one is just as boring as the
one from the fungus museum. As the old lady prattles on quickly and
heatedly about the problems of river pollution, the sense of deja vu is so
heavy that you feel you will be crushed into the ground.
"I tell you," babbles the old lady, "there is so much pollution in the
river behind my house that you find dead fish on the banks every
morning... every morning, I tell you. And there's the smell. It's
horrid... putrid, I tell you. No one will come to visit me because of it.
And you know what? I know who's damn responsible for it all."
The old lady pauses, expecting you or Estelle to guess the villain's
identity. When you don't, she continues undeterred.
"That flaming Mr Vileman, that's who. That's his estate across the
river. That's where all that pollution is coming from."
Estelle wishes to clarify a point. "You mean Celery Vileman, the
businessman? I thought he lived in town."
"No, no, missy. He lives across the river, I tell you. Don't believe
anyone who says he doesn't. After all, I've actually seen him."
You look across the wide stretch of river which separates the old lady's
house from the estate on the other side. All you can make out is a tall
wire fence and a few trees.
"Not with my two eyes, stupid," the old woman bites, noticing your
actions. "I'll show you how." The woman takes the two of you into her
garden. Standing in a prominent position is a high powered telescope.
"My eyesight is not the best," the old lady admits, "but with this feller
I can see right into that Vileman's back garden. I've seen him all right.
I know him from the telly and the papers. You mark my words. It's him."
"And how do you know that he is responsible for the pollution?" asks
Estelle. You are annoyed that Estelle asks this particular question.
Personally, you would like to know why an old biddy living by a river has
a highpowered telescope casually situated in her garden. Is she an
astronomer, a busybody ... a pervert?
"I'll tell you," states the old woman. "Ever since I've been seeing
that Vileman in the garden, the pollution has got worse. Before then,
when that nice couple with their two children lived across the river,
there was no problem at all."
"And when did you first see Mister Vileman in the garden?"
"Oh, let me see... Yes, probably twenty eight years ago."
You cannot suppress a groan. Estelle starts to snigger.
"Well, I would have come earlier," claims the old woman, "except it was
on account of my poor Gerald. He never wanted me to have anything to do
with it. And I respected his wishes. But now that he's passed away, I
believe the truth about this horrible pollution should come out..."
"And so do I," chips in Estelle, cutting the old lady off. "You've been
very helpful. I know we can get a great story out of this. I think this
requires a deeper investigation than a simple interview allows. We'll be
in touch with you later to work something out."
Before the old lady even has time to wonder if she's being fobbed off,
you and Estelle are out of the garden, out of the house and back near the
river bank.
You immediately remark to Estelle what a waste of time your visit has
been. Estelle only half agrees.
"I know the old lady might be senile, but if that is Celery Vileman
living across the river, there's sure to be some kind of story in it, even
if we have to make one up. The Scumbag has had a few cracks at Vileman,
but he's always come out on top. It's time to sink the mongrel."
Your knowledge of Celery Vileman is very sketchy and you tell Estelle as
"Well," Estelle begins, "Celery Vileman ... isn't that an embarassing
Christian name? ... made lots and lots of money when he was a young man.
No one really knows from what. He's been labelled lots of things a
gangster, a miser, a thief in the old days, the Scumbag even had a shot at
labelling him a murderer. He's one of those intense, brooding sort of
guys who usually becomes someone's wicked stepfather you know the type.
Anyway, he's very secretive about the things he does... and that makes him
the ideal target for sensational stories... Look, I'm going to try and
get into his garden and see if I can see or hear anything. It would be
absolutely fantastic if I could find some dirt on the guy. You just wait
here. I shouldn't be long."
With that, Estelle takes off her shoes and, holding them above her head,
she wades across the wide, ugly river. You watch her get to the other
side. After that, the distance and fading light make it impossible to
keep track of her. Instead, you stand dolefully on the opposite bank,
waiting for her return.
The minutes pass very slowly. You are incredibly bored. When Estelle
fails to return, however, you also begin to feel incredibly worried. You
strain your eyes to catch sight of her. How you wish you had the old
lady's highpowered telescope. However, all you have is the lingering
thought that something may have happened to Estelle. Your mind is made
up. You set out across the river for the opposite bank.
As you get closer, the dark house on the estate looms like a ten meter
high shadow. Insects screech. Frogs scream. The moon gazes down upon
you. Your heart misses a beat. You are fully aware that this could be
the beginning of a great adventure...
When you first boot up RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE (see Part
4.1), you will find yourself having to take up the story at the point
where the introductory novella has just finished. Your goal is simple -
you must locate Estelle and rescue her. To achieve this, however, you
will have to overcome a series of puzzles and negotiate several encounters
with computer-controlled characters. It is important, therefore, to
understand the nature of such puzzles and encounters and the various
accompanying aspects of gameplay which go with them.
The puzzles:
The puzzles in RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE vary in difficulty
and importance. All of them, however, require the player to perform a
series of acts in a certain order and usually require the possession and
use of objects the player has previously acquired. The best way to
illustrate what is needed to solve a puzzle is obviously to take one from
the game and show how it might be solved. Let us, then, look at the first
puzzle you will encounter in the game.
It will soon become obvious when you start moving around the first few
locations in the game that access to the back garden of the Vileman estate
is impeded by a tall wire fence. If you explore your surroundings
thoroughly, you will discover that there is a large dog inside the fence
under an overhanging tree and that there is a pair of boltcutters lying in
the mud on the river bank and that there is a dead fish floating in the
river. The puzzle you are faced with can therefore be described like
this: how do you get over the fence and how to you get past the large
dog? To solve the puzzle, you will have to do several things. First of
all, you should take the boltcutters and the dead fish - gathering as many
objects as possible is crucial to solving puzzles. Secondly, you should
assess your options and the effectiveness of the objects you possess. For
instance, can the fence be cut with the boltcutters? Can the fence be
climbed? Is the large dog dangerous? What use is the fish? Then, by
trial and error, you attempt to solve the puzzle. First of all, you might
try to cut the fence. You feel an electric current. Using logic, you
reason that the fence must be electric. That rules out cutting the fence
and also climbing it. You therefore try something else. You might climb
the tree and see if the dog underneath it can be distracted with the fish.
You should keep trying things until it is possible to get into the garden.
The key to solving puzzles is patience and a willingness to experiment.
Within a short time, you should be able to get over the fence. New
puzzles will then confront you. Each time you successfully complete a
puzzle or perform an act which will assist you in your quest for Estelle,
you will score points. The puzzles at the beginning of the game score ten
points. As the game proceeds and the puzzles become harder and take more
time to solve, solving a puzzle will score you up to thirty points. By
the time you have successfully completed RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT
ADVENTURE, you should have obtained a score of six hundred. A gauge of
how close you are to completing RETURN OF THE LIVING ADVENTURE can be
obtained, therefore, by comparing your own score with the six hundred
point target.
You will find that is not unusual for your character to die in your
search for Estelle. If you die when failing to solve a puzzle, don't be
discouraged. Simply restart (or, if you can, reload a saved game) and
tackle the situation from a different angle, learning from your mistakes.
If you can manage to complete RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE without
dying once then you are either very smart, a cheat, or a person on
intimate terms with one of the programmers. Therefore, don't be afraid to
trip up and don't be afraid to die (in the game, that is).
Character encounters:
There will be several times in RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE where
you will run into computer-controlled characters. Sometimes the
interaction required between you and them will be minimal. At other times
you will have to take note of their behaviour patterns - what they say and
where they go - and interact with them. The best way to learn how to act
around computer-controlled characters is to actually play the game, so
they won't be dwelt on too much now. Just be aware, though, that
computer-controlled characters are not completely oblivious to what you do
and say. For example, characters do tend to see what you are carrying.
If you are dragging around a headless corpse, for instance, don't be
surprised if a character who sees you with it treats you with a great deal
of suspicion and unfriendliness. It is also important to note that
although you are not required to rescue Estelle within a certain time
limit (the game allows you to type in commands or click icons
indefinitely), there are many times in the game where situations will
arise which will require you to act quickly. Computer-controlled
characters, especially, will not stand around all day and let you do and
say what you like. When dealing with puzzles involving characters,
therefore, take into account that they have minds of their own and that
they might act before you do. Don't waste the time of computer-controlled
characters. The computer-controlled characters in RETURN OF THE LIVING
TEXT ADVENTURE are not lifeless morons.
Other important aspects of gameplay:
As briefly noted earlier, collection of objects is vital in progressing
through the game. To collect objects, however, you must also be able see
them. It is VERY important, therefore, that you examine your surroundings
thoroughly at every possible point when playing RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT
ADVENTURE. At each location in the game you will be given a text
description of your surroundings. Sometimes, however, this will not be
enough to help you locate objects. Although objects in easy view will be
included in the location description, more often than not objects will be
hidden inside, upon, under or behind parts of your surroundings. A wise
adventure player will look for hidden objects by examining everything
around him thoroughly and will not be discouraged by what might appear to
be discouraging or flippant responses to his searches. A lot of the time
when you become stuck about how to solve a puzzle, the problem may well be
that you have not found a crucial object hidden somewhere in the locations
you have passed through. Exploring locations thoroughly is therefore
strongly advisable.
Here then is a six-point list you should constantly keep in mind when
tackling RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE. If you stick to it, you
should find gameplay easier and more enjoyable:
Now, if you can remember all that, let's look at some of the basic
commands you'll have to use when playing the game...
To travel around the playing area of the game, you simply tell the
computer which direction you would like to go. There are six possible
directions: north, south, east, west, up and down. You can tell the
computer which direction you would like to go in two ways.
Firstly, you can use your mouse. This requires you to move the mouse
pointer over the appropriate part of the compass icon located in the top
left hand side of the screen and click the mouse's left button. `N'
indicates `north', `S' indicates `south' and so on. The `up' and `down'
icons are located directly beneath the compass.
Alternately, you can type the name of the direction in which you would
like to travel. Examples of such input are:
> north
> south
> up
Typing in such words so frequently may soon become laborious, however.
Therefore, the parser (the part of the program which handles the commands
you type in) also allows you to type in just the first letter of the
direction name, e.g.:
> n
> s
> u
Using this latter method should soon prove just as quick and, in the long
run, more convenient than using your mouse to move around.
Looking around:
The LOOK command is one you will rely on quite considerably. Although
the location description comes up every time you enter a location when
playing in verbose text mode, if you are not playing in this mode or if
you have typed in several commands since the description has come up, you
may wish to see the description again. To do so, you simply type in the
> look
The location description will then come up, describing your surroundings
and mentioning any objects or characters in obvious view. As a short cut,
instead of typing in `look', you can also type in just the first letter.
Therefore, another possible input for looking around is:
> l
If you are adverse to using your keyboard, there is also the option of
using your mouse. All you have to do to get the description up this way
is move the mouse pointer over the `LOOK' gadget located to the right of
the graphics window and click on it once with the left mouse button.
Examining things in greater detail:
The LOOK command also allows you to look at, look on, look in, look under
and look behind things. To look at a thing more closely, say a set of
drawers, you could type in any of the following:
> look at set of drawers
> examine set of drawers
> study the drawers
> x drawers
(The parser does not mind if you use words such as `the' and `a' in your
`Study',`examine' and `x' (short for `examine') are all synonyms for `look
at.' Any of these commands will provide you with a detailed description
of (or sometimes a slightly irrelevant anecdote concerning) the thing you
specify. It is important to note, however, that if there is something
hidden in, on, behind or under a thing, this will NOT be mentioned in the
description. Hidden objects will only be revealed if you specifically
look in a certain place, e.g.:
> look in drawers
> look behind drawers
> look on drawers
> look under drawers
As mentioned earlier, be sure to search all things thoroughly. It might
sound tedious but it's exactly what you would have to do in real life.
Remember, a good adventurer is a patient adventurer.
There are several other uses for the LOOK command. A couple of examples
will be listed below but we'll leave the rest for you to discover
> look at the man
> look through window
> look on wall
Getting objects:
You can obtain objects by using the TAKE command. If you are told that
there is a stone where you are, for instance, and you want to pick up the
stone, then simply type in:
> take stone
You can also be more specific than that. For instance, if you are told
that the stone is in a rubbish bin, you can type:
> take stone in rubbish bin
If there is more than one object in a location or object and you want them
all, then you do not have to laboriously type in the name of every single
object you would like to take in order to get them all. Rather, you can
take all the objects by typing in the following:
> take all
The above command, however, will only take everything that is in the
location itself. It will not take anything hidden or stored in other
objects. Therefore, if you want everything that is hidden in a rubbish
bin, typing `take all' will not take them. Instead you would have to
> take all in rubbish bin
If you want to take some but not all of a number of objects in a certain
place, there are several ways you can express this. Let's imagine there
is a gun, a book and a pencil on a table and you only want to take the
book and the pencil. Any of the following will get you just the book and
the pencil:
> take book and pencil
> take the book and the pencil on the table
> take all on table except the gun
> take book, pencil
(The parser will read a comma as if you had typed the word `and'. This is
a handy short cut to remember if you are a lazy typist.)
If you are not allowed to take an object, the parser will notify you of
this. The most common reason for not being able to take an object is
either because it is too heavy or because it is attached to something else
and is therefore immovable. For example, if you try to take a wardrobe,
the parser will respond with the following:
wardrobe ... you cannot take it
Like most of the words in RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE, several
synonyms have been provided for the word `take', e.g. `get',`pick up' and
`grab', amongst others. Therefore, if there is a cup on a table, you can
type in any of the following:
> take cup
> pick up cup
> get cup on table
> grab the cup on the table
The program allows you to carry as many objects as you like, so don't be
afraid to become a human suitcase.
Discarding objects:
If you feel you no longer need an object or you don't want to be seen
carrying a particular object, you can get rid of the object using the DROP
> drop stone
The DROP command merely takes the object out of your possession and places
it in the location in which you are presently situated. It does not
physically drop the object. Therefore, if you type in `drop jug' this
will not mean that the jug shatters on the floor. Rather, it results in
the equivalent of you placing the jug on the floor.
Like the TAKE command, the DROP command makes use of the ability to deal
with more than one object at once. All of the following are valid uses of
this facet of the DROP command:
> drop all
> drop all except the gun
> drop all except gun and pencil
> drop book, knife
> drop all in backpack
(The last of the inputs above will take everything in the backpack and
drop it in the location. It will NOT drop everything you have into the
Synonyms for `drop' include `put down' and `discard.'
Putting on and removing clothing:
There are a couple of instances in the game where you are required to
wear and remove special pieces of clothing. As a rule, the program is
oblivious to the clothes you are wearing when you start the game.
Therefore, don't try to use your own `clothing' to solve puzzles because
the parser will have no idea what you are talking about. The only
clothing the parser acknowledges is that which can be found as objects
later in the game. For example, you might find a pair of boots. If you
want to put on those boots, then use the WEAR command. This command
caters for both the verbs `wear' and `put on':
> wear boots
> put on boots
> put boots on
If you want to take the boots off then use the REMOVE command. This
command caters for the verbs `remove' and `take off':
> remove boots
> take off the boots
> take boots off
The REMOVE command is particularly important when you want to drop
something you are wearing. This is because you must remove objects that
are being worn before they can be dropped. If you try to drop the boots
before you have taken them off, for example, the parser will come up with
the following message:
boots ... but you're wearing that
To get the boots off in such a situation, you should type in the following
> remove boots
> drop boots
Checking your possessions:
You will often need to know what objects you have in your possession.
There are two ways you can find out. First of all, you can use the
INVENTORY command. All you have to do is type in the word `inventory' or
one of its shorter synonyms, e.g.:
> inventory
> invent
> i
A list of your possessions will then be displayed. If the list is larger
than can fit on screen then the following message will be displayed:
All you have to do whenever this message appears is press any key on the
keyboard and the screen will continue to scroll. A long inventory may
bring this message up several times.
(Note: If one of the objects you have in your possession contains one or
more objects in or on it, these other objects will not be listed in the
inventory. In addition, if you want to use one or more of these other
objects or you merely want them to appear in your inventory, you must
first take them out of the container object using the TAKE command.)
The second way you can check your inventory is by using your mouse.
Simply move the mouse pointer over the `INVENT' gadget located to the
right of the graphics window and click on it once with the left mouse
button. Your inventory will then be displayed in the manner described
Placing objects:
A key part of solving puzzles will involve putting objects in certain
places. You can put objects in certain places either by using the DROP
command (which will put an object in the location itself) or by using the
PUT command. The PUT command enables you to place an object in a more
specific area. For example, if you want to put a plate on a table, all
you would have to type is:
> put plate on table
Just as you can look in, on, behind and under objects, so too can you put
objects in, on, behind and under other objects. The following are all
valid uses of the PUT statement:
> put plate on set of drawers
> put plate in set of drawers
> put plate behind curtains
> put plate under table
The parser may reject your input, however, if your proposed placement is
impossible or illogical. For example, the parser will not allow you to
put the plate IN the table or ON the curtains.
The PUT command allows you to put more than one object in the same place
at once. For example, if you want to put both a gun and a book in a set
of drawers, you don't need to take two moves to do this. Rather, you can
do it in one by typing either of the following:
> put gun and book in set of drawers
> put gun, book in set of drawers
(The parser will read the comma in this situation as `and')
There are several other uses for the PUT statement but we'll let you
discover most of these for yourself. However, here are a few just to give
you the general idea:
> put plate on the ground
> put blanket in front of wardrobe
Opening, Closing, Locking and Unlocking:
Doors in RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE can be opened, closed,
locked and unlocked. The input required in relation to doors is fairly
straightforward, e.g.:
> open door
> close door
> lock door
> unlock door
However, there will be certain situations where there will be more than
one door leading from a location. In such cases, you will have to specify
which door you mean by using the direction name (or its abbreviation) as
an adjective, e.g.:
> open west door
> close n door
When unlocking or locking doors, you can also specify the object you wish
to use, e.g.:
> lock door with key
> unlock east door with metal key
The OPEN and CLOSE commands are not merely used in relation to doors. You
can also use them in relation to windows and objects which can be opened,
> open refrigerator
> open set of drawers
> close window
Talking to characters:
There are a several ways in which you can communicate to characters.
Firstly, you can talk in general to a character. Let's say you want to
talk to the maid. Either of the following are valid inputs:
> talk to maid
> speak to maid
When you talk in general to a character, the character will either reply
with a similarly general remark or if the character has something specific
it really wants to tell you, the character will reply more lengthily.
Generally, if a character replies to your small talk with similar small
talk, you will have to probe more deeply if you want to get any
information from them. To probe deeper, you will have to ask or talk to
the character about a specific subject, object or character. The
following inputs are examples of valid conversations:
> ask maid about herself
> ask maid about gardener
> talk to maid about gardener
> talk to maid about fountain
> speak to maid about dog
> tell maid about dog
At other times, a character will ask you a direct question. In such
circumstances, it is usually best to give them a direct answer. This can
be done by typing in either of the following:
> yes
> no
The communication system in RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE caters for
even more than has been outlined above, but we'll let you discover this
for yourself. Using the three methods outlined is enough to be able to
successfully complete the game, however.
The commands that have been outlined above are only enough to get you
started playing RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE. The parser
understands more than 120 verbs and nearly every verb has several
synonyms. To successfully complete the game, you will have to use many of
these verbs. We'll leave most of these up to your imagination but here
are a couple to give you the general idea: give, throw, attach, eat,
drink, hit, kill.
Although the parser in RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE caters for a
wide range of inputs and commands, it is still advisable to keep your
commands clear and concise. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the
more words you type in, the more chance there is that you might include
something in your command or phrasing which the parser does not
understand. Although the parser is very intelligent, it is not a person,
and is not aware of every single nuance of human language. Don't word
something difficultly when it can be worded clearly. Secondly, concise
wording of commands saves you time and inconvenience. Typing in a long
sentence which could be more easily phrased in a shorter form wastes time
in typing and may necessitate you to retype the line if the parser does
not understand you.
There are many commands you can type in which relate not to solving the
game, but to features which make playing the game more convenient or
informative. Some of these commands will be explained in the following
The ALIAS command:
This command allows you to give an already existing word or series of
words a shorter or different codename. The ALIAS command is useful for
introducing synonyms not already included in the program and for reducing
long, frequently-used commands to shorter, speedier codenames. For
example, if you want the parser to understand the word `devour', you can
do so by aliasing it as meaning the same as `eat' as follows:
> alias devour eat
More practical is when the ALIAS command is used to reduce often used
commands to shorter forms. For example, if you are constantly typing
`take all' when you play, you can save typing time by making `ta' stand
for `take all', as follows:
> alias ta take all
After you have typed this in, whenever you want to take all the objects in
a location, you only have to type in `ta' instead of `take all' (although
the parser will still understand the latter).
The basic requirement for the ALIAS command is that the new codename be
one word only (i.e. it cannot include spaces) and that it stand for an
already existing word or command (this includes already existing aliases).
The already existing command is allowed to contain spaces, however. Here
are some more examples of valid uses of the ALIAS command:
> alias ex examine
> alias ten 10
> alias gdeg get all in drawers except gun
Whenever you save a game to disk, the current aliases are saved as well.
When that game is reloaded, so too are the aliases.
The INTERLACE command:
This command toggles the screen resolution between interlace mode and
non-interlace mode. The format is as follows:
> interlace
If the screen is in interlace mode at the time the command is typed in,
the screen will revert to non-interlace mode. If the screen is in
non-interlace mode at the time, it will go into interlace mode. Interlace
mode allows more text to be displayed on the screen. The pictures in the
graphics window will appear the same size in either mode, however, due to
a scan line doubling feature. (The program works correctly under both PAL
and NTSC computers.)
The SPELLING command:
The spell-checking feature (discussed in Part 2.5) can be turned on or
off with the SPELLING command. To turn the spell-checker off, type:
> spelling off
To turn the spell-checker back on, type:
> spelling on
The game starts with the spell-checking feature turned on.
When RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE is first booted, every time a
player enters a location, the text description of the location is
automatically displayed. This is called verbose mode. If you do not wish
the description to come up, you can turn the verbose mode off by typing:
> normal
The verbose mode can be turned back on by typing:
> verbose
The GRAPHICS command:
When RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE is first booted, graphics are in
graphics verbose mode. This means that every time a player enters a
location, the picture of the location is automatically displayed. If you
would like only new pictures to be shown, type:
> graphics on
Pictures will then only be shown on the first occasion you enter a
location. If you want no new pictures to be shown, type:
> graphics off
(When the graphics are turned off, the game can run faster because it does
not have to constantly access the disks to load the pictures. However,
the game also loses a lot of its atmosphere. Whether you play with the
graphics turned on or off must therefore take the pros and cons of these
points into account.)
To put the game back into graphics verbose mode, simply type:
> graphics verbose
The SOUND command:
Like the graphics, the sound has three modes: sound verbose, sound on
and sound off. Each of these works, and can be turned on, in the same way
as outlined in relation to the GRAPHICS command.
The OPTIONS command:
The OPTIONS command displays the game options that are in place at the
present time. These options relate to the current mode of the graphics,
sound, text and other related technical features. The OPTIONS command can
be implemented by either moving the mouse pointer over the `OPTIONS'
gadget located to the right of the graphics window and clicking on it with
the left mouse button, or by typing in the following:
> options
Every time a game is saved to disk, the current game options are saved to
disk along with it.
The FOOTNOTE command:
At numerous points in the game, the text refers you to the game's
footnotes. The footnotes contain a wide variety of information. Some
relate to solving the game, some provide additional background to people
or things referred to in the text, and some are rather irrelevant ravings
about whatever came into the programmers' heads at the time of writing the
game. Regardless, all footnotes can be accessed by typing the word
`footnote' and following this with a footnote number, e.g.:
> footnote 2
When playing RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE, it is possible to
enter more than one command on a single turn. This can be done in a
number of ways. First of all, you can separate the commands with one or
more commas or full stops. Here are a couple of examples:
> take boltcutters, examine them
> take boltcutters. examine them. throw them at fence
Instead of using commas or full stops, you can use the word `and' as a
separator, for example:
> take boltcutters and examine them
> take boltcutters and examine them and throw them at fence
Thirdly, you can use the word `then', either by itself or in conjunction
with the word `and', for example:
> take boltcutters then examine them
> take boltcutters and then examine them and throw them at fence
The method you use depends merely on personal preference. It should be
noted however that the commands are processed independently and that using
multiple commands does not make solving puzzles any quicker. For example,
if you type in three separate commands on one line, they still count as
three moves, not one. Additionally, you should note that it does not
matter if you mix separators. All the following are still valid multiple
command inputs even though they mix separators:
> get the gun and then drop the gun. north
> north, south, get all then look
> n,e,e,e,n, up. take all.
No puzzles require multiple command inputs to be solved.
The parser stores in its memory the name of the last noun used in
gameplay. This allows the player to refer to this noun not by its real
name, but either by the word `it' or `them'. This can best be illustrated
by an example. Let's say you look in a set of drawers and the program
replies with the following:
You can see a book.
Instead of typing in `take book', you can type in `take it' because the
parser remembers the last noun, i.e. book. Likewise, you can take
advantage of this short cut when typing in multiple commands. Instead of
typing in, say, `take the bag and examine the bag and drop the bag', you
can save time by typing the following:
> take the bag and examine it and drop it
After you first refer to the bag, `bag' becomes the noun stored in the
parser's memory. After that, as long as no new nouns are introduced,
every time you type `it', the parser takes `it' to mean `bag'.
`Them' functions in the same way as `it'. There is one important point
to note about using `it' and `them', however. There may be times when the
parser's idea of what is the current noun differs from your own. You have
to be careful not to overrely on using `it'. For example, let's suppose
that you simply type `look in it' after a piece of text is displayed and
you think `it' is referring to a rubbish bin. If in fact the current noun
is set to `door', the program's response of `There is nothing of interest'
could be very misleading, especially if there is something in the rubbish
bin. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that the use of `it' and
`them' be restricted to use in multiple commands and directly after clear
statements such as `You can see a gun.'
These are not all of the commands available in The Return of the
Living Text Adventure. The game can understand many words and if there is
one that it cannot understand try to think of other words that could fit
also fit the situation.
In The Return of the Living Text Adventure, the parser (this is the part
of the program that handles the commands you type in) is powerful enough
to remove most of the frustrations experienced in similar text adventures.
One of the most common complaints of text based adventure games is
that a simple typing mistake means you have to type the entire line in
from scratch. For two reasons this is not the case with Rolta. This
first is due to the up and down arrow keys to allow editing of previous
commands, and the second is an advanced feature called automatic
If a word is entered which the game does not understand, the program
will check for words which are close to the word which is unknown. This
only works for words greater than three characters in length. An example
of this follows:
> get bolfcutters
The computer will reply with:
I do not understand the word 'bolfcutters'.
Did you mean 'boltcutters'? (Y/N/Q)
After a press of the Y (for Yes), N (for No), or Q (for Quit), the
appropriate change will be made. If N was typed the program searches for
other possibilities. The program monitors spelling mistakes for common
errors, and if it feels that you are making the same error frequently, in
future that error will be automatically corrected, without the prompt.
Naturally if the word you type does not resemble anything in the
computers vocabulary, the game will tell you it does not understand that
particular word.
Rolta has an easy to use interface that allows the user to enter
commands very simply without frustration or confusion.
The majority of the commands are entered into the game via the
keyboard at the prompt. All editing functions are available to the user.
The functions are as follows:
Backspace - this erases the character to the left of the cursor.
Delete - this erases the character under the cursor.
Left and Write Arrow Keys - these move the cursor through the sentence
allowing for easy editing.
Up and Down Arrow Keys - In Rolta commands you have previously typed in
are stored in a buffer allowing your last commands to be accessed. This
allows for duplicate commands to be reused or editing of incorrect
sentences. The buffer stores the previous ten commands.
Tab - when this key is pressed, Rolta will attempt to complete the partial
word you are currently typing. ie. If you have typed the letters "bolt"
and then you press the tab key, Rolta will expand the word to
"boltcutters". This feature saves typing in those long words!
Rolta has a series of pull down menus to assist in the selection of
game options.
The five different menus can all be accessed by using the mouse and
the right button in exactly the same method as AmigaDOS.
Project Menu:
About - this gives both graphical and descriptive information on The
Return of the Living Text Adventure as well as Shadowplay.
Ramload - this allows a game to be reloaded from RAM if a game has been
saved to RAM in the current game session.
Ramsave - this saves a game to RAM which can only be used in the current
session of play.
Save - this saves a previously loaded/saved game to disk. This options
overwrites the old file on the disk.
Save As - this saves your game as a new file on the disk. Under Workbench
2.0 or higher the ASL file requester is used, otherwise a custom requester
will appear. If you are playing the game seriously it is vital that you
save your game at the end of each session.
Load - this retrieves a stored game off disk.
Quit - this action quits the game.
Text Menu:
Normal - this option sets the amount of text displayed to normal. In this
mode location descriptions are only printed the first time they are
Verbose - this increases the amount of text displayed. Error messages may
be more lengthy and location descriptions are printed everytime you enter
a location.
Textsize - Rolta caters for three different text sizes. The default font
when the game is first loaded is small. However, by selecting this menu
item the font size can be changed. This is especially useful for
televisions and for the interlace mode.
Graphics Menu:
On - graphics are displayed only when you enter a location for the first
Off - this turns graphics off.
Retrieve - this sets the graphics so that they are displayed everytime you
visit a location.
Sound Menu:
On - this option will play each sample once only.
Off - this turns all sound effects off.
Verbose - this plays the sound effects everytime, even if the player has
already heard a sample.
Extras Menu:
Clear Screen - this clears the text window.
If the Boss Walks By - this loads a picture of a graph, just in case
you're playing the game and the boss wanders by. This option has no
effect on the game. Pressing the mouse button will return to the game.
Commonly used commands in the game have been implemented by gadgets
as well as standard keyboard entry. To perform a gadget command simply
click on the specified gadget. These gadgets perform identically as
keyboard entry except that they do not go into the command line history.
computer with at least 1 meg of memory and at least one 3.5 inch floppy
drive. A hard drive and extra memory are optional extras. If present,
the game takes great advantage of them.
RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE is compatible with all standard
Amiga processor boards and expansion devices. Workbench 2.0 is not
required, but is supported with extra features. The game also runs
under the current beta versions of the Amiga operating system (2.1
and 3.0), so hopefully there will not be any future compatibility
The game also supports interlace. This feature is of great use to those
playing the game on an Amiga 3000 or a more powerful machine, and to those
whose machines have a de-interlacer board.
1. Turn on or reset your computer and insert disk 1, or 2. If you are on
the Workbench screen, double click on the `Rolta' icon.
The program will then begin to load. The first thing to appear on your
monitor will be an introduction sequence. If you do not wish to see this,
press the left mouse button. The game proper will then commence loading.
If you do not press the left button, the introduction sequence will run
through once in its entirety and then the game proper will commence
RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE multitasks freely with other Amiga
software, providing enough memory is available. Although the program
comes on three disks, the first disk is used only to boot the program and
to provide graphics for the first couple of game locations. After a short
period of gameplay, it is possible to play with the just second and third
disks in the drives, thereby making disk swapping in a two-drive system
almost negligible. Disk swapping in a one-drive system is slightly more
frequent but still minimal.
A separate program is provided on disk 1 of the game to automatically
install RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE onto your hard drive, if you
have one. Double click on the icon from your Workbench screen to run the
hard drive installation program. The program has a help feature to
assist you in installation.
(Note: You must have a minimum of 2.5 megabytes available on your hard
Please make backup copies of all three original disks. Store the
original disks in a safe place, and play the game using your copied disks.
The original disks are not copy protected.
In order to minimise the program's memory consumption, the game
utilizes dynamic memory allocation. If you are playing the game whilst
multi-tasking with other programs, it is important not to let the amount
of free memory get too low.
If during the course of the game, the program cannot acquire the
memory it requires, the program will be forced to exit. When playing the
game while multitasking, it is important to ensure that there is at least
300k of free memory (200k chip memory) to avoid the possible loss of your
current game position.
The RETURN OF THE LIVING TEXT ADVENTURE has been developed over a
period of three and a half years. The system the game runs under took a
year to write (on a part time basis), and after several changes to the
plot, months of procrastination, three summers, two changes of government,
numberless revolutions in Eastern Europe and a string of forgotten
girlfriends and sleepless nights, the game was finally finished in March
of 1992. Total programming time amounted to nearly 32 hours.
The program was written in C, the majority of which was done on
several expanded Amiga 2000s.
Ross Milward was responsible for most of the Amiga specific coding
(menus, gadgets, windows, input, graphics and sound). Colin Adams handled
most of the internal coding (parser, compression and data entry programs),
while Neil Foster wrote the game text and novella and watched a lot of TV
when he should have been sitting at his computer. Bruce Abel slaved over
the graphics (pictures, menus, gadgets) and Michelle Law wrote the
original piece of music somewhere back in distant 1989.
Send contributions, comments, CDs, bottles of Southern Comfort and
Christmas cards to :
P.O. Box 1201,
Aitkenvale, 4814,
Queensland, Australia.